- The UTT is the first University to welcome our students !
- University of Troyes website
2 industrial halls of 2,200 m2
2,000 m2 of library space
5,000 m2 of laboratories and research platforms
4,000 m2 dedicated to sports activities
1 antenna in Nogent (52)
The UTT is located at the heart of a campus and ecosystem conducive to innovation, with, less than 1 kilometre away, the IUT, the Technopole de l’Aube en Champagne and its young entrepreneur centre and 3 other schools: the EPF, the ESTP and the Groupe ESC Troyes.
In 10 years, with 10,400 students, Troyes and its metropolitan area have tripled the number of students. Troyes is now an attractive city for young people pursuing higher education.
The 2017 list of « cities where it is good to study » published by L’Étudiant attests to this: Troyes ranks 5th.
Presentation of the UTT and its missions
Research, training and technology transfer are the three missions of the Troyes University of Technology (UTT). A public institution created in Troyes in 1994, UTT is now one of the 10 largest engineering schools in France.
It trains more than 3100 students each year, from post-baccalaureate to bac+5 and bac+8
Training combining excellence and innovation
Both a university and a “Grande Ecole”, UTT relies on its 8 research teams to offer training courses covering the entire university spectrum: Bachelor, Master, Engineer and Doctorate, short professionalizing courses (University Diplomas), specialized Master® programmes and language certifications.
Its training courses provide graduates with the skills required by companies.
The 5-year engineering course, approved by the CTI (engineering titles commission), is individualized from the first year and allows each student to adapt his training to his professional project.
A networked university
UTT is a member of the Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools (CDEFI), the Conference of Grandes Ecoles (CGE), the Conference of University Presidents (CPU).
The UTT is a member of the UT Group. It brings together the four universities of technology with the UTBM (Belfort-Montbéliard) and the UTC (Compiègne) as well as the UTSEUS (Sino-European University of Technology of the University of Shanghai created in 2005).
A research model focused on excellence
The UTT’s research is structured around the Charles Delaunay Institute (ICD), a research unit associated with the CNRS. It brings together all the UTT’s research actors.
Two transversal themes provide an interdisciplinary research framework for ICD teams:
– Global Security
– Services and Industry of the Future
In interaction with the economic world
From the outset, UTT has developed a strong capacity to work closely with companies in the fields of partnership research, innovation, and initial and continuing training.
It has strong links with the economic world. More than 3000 companies are partners of the university.
A pedagogy that favours tailor-made courses and student innovation
UTT values student initiative, commitment and entrepreneurship as an integral part of the training of women and men ready to imagine the future, to manage complexity, to adapt to change while mobilizing advanced scientific and technological skills.
A public institution accessible to all
Tuition fees are set by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
The university welcomes 28% of scholarship students.
A strategy of openness and construction of the future
UTT is also an actor in the economic and social development of its territory, Aube, Champagne and Grand Est. It actively participates in the dynamics of innovative ecosystems through projects and academic, territorial and scientific groups.
High quality partnerships
The UTT is strongly engaged in international development at every level:
exchange of students, research collaboration, cosupervised thesis, internships, staff mobility, industrial partnerships, double degrees, tailor-made summer programs, and intensive language and cultural programs.
Everyone at the UTT is involved in developing strong ties with renowned partners all over the world.
Feel free to contact international.center@utt.fr if you would like to join us in the promotion of international cooperation in engineering education and scientific research, thus enriching cross-cultural understanding between nations and shaping the future of globalisation.
3101 students
7096 graduate engineers (400 engineering graduates per year)
24% foreign students
164 teachers and teacher-researchers
208 administrative and technical staff
More than 230 international university partnerships
3000 partner companies
42,360 m2 of buildings
The training
– 7 engineering specialties;
– 1 Master with 6 courses;
– 1 doctorate with 3 specialities;
– 4 diplomas of Specialized Master ®;
– 10 University degrees (DU);
– 3 professional licenses.
The research
– 98 research staff;
– 8 research teams within the Charles Delaunay Institute, associated with the CNRS;
– 60 technology transfer contracts per year;
– 183 doctoral students.